The Dental Center, located in Pré-Saint-Gervais is a medical institution focused on dental health, also dedicated to the improvement and restablishment of smiles.
In our Dental Center Pré-Saint-Gervais, you will find advises and explanations concerning dental health, always taking into consideration that prevention is the best way to keep healthy teeth.
Are you looking for a dentist in Pré-Saint-Gervais?
Being specialists in the dental art ; the Pré-Saint-Gervais Dental Center offers you a wide variety of services. A highly qualified team of professionals will be next to you to guide you during the process of improving your dental heatlh; all in order to guarantee your well-being and to guide you through the administrative processes you might need help with.
At the Pré-Saint-Gervais Dental Center you will find at your service :
A highly qualified team of dentists and dental assistants.
An administrative team at the service of patients to guarantee optimal attention.
The latest technology to serve your needs, and our full hearted comitmment, as dental center Place Dentaire, to put as main priority the well-being and satisfaction of our patients.
The Place Dentaire Center Pré-Saint-Gervais is available for everyone and welcomes every patient that requires dental care services. The Place Dentaire Center at Pré-Saint-Gervais is available for everyone and welcomes every patient that requires dental care services.
Place Dentaire, through its various dental professionals, its fully commited to listen and attend your needs starting from the first encounter
Your advise is our engine, so at Place Dentaire we willl always be willing to listen your thoughts and opinions so that we can provide you with the best possible service
The following guidelines will adress the most frenquent doubts and questions you may have concerning : Dental hygien, dental patologies, dental prostetics, implants, and smile rehabilitation.
In the case of a dental emergency :
It is important to know that the choice of maintaining the health of our teeth depends mainly on us. Therefore, in order to keep a healthy smile, we should make sure to visit the dentist at least once a year.
Independently on your needs, this website will allow you to discover the team of professionals available for you. In case of doubts, or if you would like to schedule an appointment, you can contact us 01 48 46 55 55